10 Ways You Can Organize A Garage Sale Without Investing Too Much Of Your Time

Garage Sale

Give old treasures a new life. Host a Garage Sale!

  1. Block a small amount of time to gather garage sale items.
  2. Plan your date and time. No need to host a day-long garage sale; 2-3 hours is plenty of time.
  3. Ask a friend to help you price. It’s hard to be objective about our own things. Getting help makes it easier to set realistic prices while getting the pricing done.
  4. Skip the price-stickers. Instead, set up tables for $1, $2, or $5 items. You’ll save loads of time.
  5. Post an ad on a site like Craigslist or Kijiji; it’s fast and it’s simple.
  6. Organize a float. The last thing you want to do is scramble around finding change during the sale.
  7. Keep a few boxes and bags handy for shoppers who buy multiple items.
  8. Prepare food the night before. Having a garage sale is fun but it can also be tiring. Save time on the day of the sale by having a meal ready to enjoy afterwards.
  9. Enlist some helpers. When things get busy it’s nice to have an extra pair of hands to help and when things are slow it’s fun to have some company.
  10. Pre-arrange to have all unsold items picked up. Package them up. Pull your tables inside and you are done.

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