Is It Time To Kick Clutter To The Curb?

Is It Time to Kick Clutter to the Curb?

Clutter: it’s complicated. The heaps of stuff we accumulate on shelves and tabletops, shove in drawers and closets, and stack and pack throughout our homes has people talking a lot about wanting to declutter.

Pause for a minute. And let’s consider that magazines, social media and tv shows present picture-perfect spaces: impeccably folded clothes, spare countertops and artful displays. Those are all lovely things. Some of us live like that but many of us do not. These aspirational images of über neat spaces are not practical representations of life in general. Most of us have stuff. The question is how much is too much?

Do you NEED to declutter?

  1. Is my stuff helping me live the life I want?
  2. Do I use my stuff?
  3. Do I know what I have in my home? And can I find it?
  4. Is my stuff a burden to my relationship or me?
  5. Do I love and need what I have?
  6. Do I have adequate room to store my things?

This William Morris quote sums up the questions above into one tidy package:

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”

Morris was ahead of his time. These words are his early take on decluttering, years before the word declutter was in circulation.

Do you WANT to declutter?

  1. Do you have time, interest and energy?
  2. Is clearing clutter something you want to do for yourself? Or for someone else?
  3. Once you clear the clutter, are you committed to making changes that will keep  clutter from re-appearing?

Call it what you will: paring down, living with less or decluttering. When you feel ready to make changes, get started with Conquer Clutter | A Simple HOW TO Guide. For quick tips read 7 Ridiculously Simple Ways To Improve The Way You Declutter.

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